Page 9 - Lambert Wackers
P. 9
Captain of the Genie, Lambert Wackers, was charged to be the host and available to the
International Solar Eclipse Expedition. His team consisted of one captain of the
Triangulation Brigade, one adjutant non-commissioned officer, two technicians of the
Genie, two European non-commissioned officers of the Genie, 12 indigenous fusiliers. A
team consisting of 20 men, Lambert included.
The Dutch observers at Karang-Sago (Padang) were: Major Muller, chef, Captains de
Rochemont and Wackers, Professor Julius, Professor Nijland, Professor Wilterdink, the
gentlemen Hubrecht, de Boer, Ohlenroth and Keyser. American observers were: Dr.
Atkinson and Dr.Dyson.
1902 Retirement
About one year after the solar eclipse expedition, captain Lambert H.F. Wackers requested
and received honorable discharge from the Corps of engineers of the Royal Netherlands
East Indies Army. I wonder whether his recurrent sick leaves had anything to do with his